Simple Ways You Can Support Access to Abortion
There are many ways you can help ensure that people can access abortion during the pandemic (and beyond). Here are a few small, relatively easy actions you can take today.
Publicly state that you will help others get an abortion.
Make it known that you will always assist those who reach out to you. Post a statement on your social media platforms, send an email to everyone you know, or shout it from the rooftops. Be the person that comes to everyone’s mind when they need help accessing care and then follow through. It’s ok if you aren’t an expert! Just commit—publicly—that if someone needs your help, you will help them figure out a plan. If you are a clinician, a therapist, a social worker, a school guidance counselor, etc., put up a sign in your office declaring your support. Don’t make your patients, clients, or students guess whether you will support them.
Spread good information!
Share vetted resources. The internet of full of misleading and false information; don’t spread it. If you aren’t sure something is true, don’t share it.
Support and amplify the work of organizations that are helping.
Fundraise for or donate to organizations such as:
Abortion Care Network! Did you know that independent abortion clinics provide 3 out of every 5 abortions performed in the US?
The National Network of Abortion Funds. Choose one of the 70+ funds and host a fundraiser, set up a recurring monthly donation, or simply tell your personal networks about these amazing groups.
Support our work here at OARS by volunteering or making a donation!
*Blog posts are written by individual volunteers and do not necessarily represent the views of the organization as a whole.
Did you find this helpful? OARS is a volunteer-driven organization dedicated to providing accurate information and facilitating access to abortion care. Donate to support our work.