
“Oh my gosh, thank you so much for this resource and information. I had no idea about it being a no waiting period state- thank you thank you thank you!!! I’m using the site now to find a lot of clinics within an hour from me.”

“Reading this thread in the days leading up to my procedure honestly saved me. I felt like I was an expert on the process before I even stepped into the clinic.”

“This sub has been such a valuable resource to me through this scary and sad journey. Mainly I have used the search function to find stories, resources, and specific information for virtual commiseration and to know what to expect. So I've found lots of important and helpful online resources for information I needed, as well as soaked up a lot of accounts in this sub from others who were about as many weeks pregnant as I was, as well as others' MA stories.”

“Thank you to everyone on this Reddit who helped me ❤️. I honestly don't think I could've taken the pills without the advice and support. The best advice I was given was that this is MY journey. How it goes and how I receive the pain is up to me. It can go better or worse depending on how bad I panic or how bad I stress. So the best thing I could do was to not stress or panic or fear anything.”

“It’s really hard not to feel alone, but this Reddit group has honestly been such a big help in making me feel validated in my experience.”

“I live in a country where abortion is looked down upon and I didn't have a doctor. I relied totally on the internet and the advice I got on this sub.”

“This is super hopeful, so thank you so much. I just reached out to both organizations today so will wait a little longer before freaking out more. One of the biggest challenges has been needing to commit to a facility and book flights before any of the financing has been secured. This thread has meant the world to me. It's the most help and guidance we've gotten since this started.”

"I've never used Reddit before and this is the only community I could find that provided post abortion support without shame, judgment, and anti choice guilt.I don't know anyone in real life that's been through this. It's been exhausting looking for support while the mainstream conversation around abortion recently has (obviously) revolved around fighting for the right."

“I'm so glad that there is a community and app like Reddit because of the anonymity but also it just has a different feel from Facebook or Twitter.”

“I was petrified. I was in tears at the thought of having to go into the clinic by myself and was on the verge of backing out all together just out of fear. I browsed this thread for hours and felt so much better reading everyone's stories I felt like if so many people could do it and be ok, I could also. Everyone in this thread made it so less scary for me. And I'm so grateful for that. I ended up miscarrying, but I'll never forget the feeling of coming on here and those nasty feelings of shame just disappearing. Love to everyone.”

“r/abortion is a fantastic subreddit, by the way. If you have specific questions about the process, who to call, where to get pills (they can be ordered online), please read their fantastic wiki or post questions there.”

“I woke up today freaking out thinking I was going to hear a bunch of people telling me l'm sick or something and instead I've been battling tears all day knowing that other people feel this way too and I'm not alone. This sub is amazing.”

“Prior to my abortion I never used Reddit, but this was the only place I could find real information and real stories. “

"The emotional and logistical support on this sub is unmatched. ❤️ Thank you for hearing me.”

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