Supporting Abortion Access After ACB's Confirmation


Amy Coney Barrett was just confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. It’s terrible news for abortion rights in the United States. Here’s how to support the organizations already doing the work.

The Senate just confirmed Amy Coney Barrett as a Supreme Court justice, replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg who passed away earlier this fall. Her record throughout her legal career has included opposing the Affordable Care Act, supporting the death penalty, and opposing reproductive rights from IVF to abortion. Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court cements the conservative majority on the court, which has catastrophic implications for a range of civil rights in the United States. As reproductive rights—including abortion access—are increasingly under attack across the country, and conservative lower courts uphold abortion restrictions, it is more important than ever to support organizations fighting to protect and expand abortion access.


Are you angry yet? Here are a few organizations that really need your financial support.


Abortion funds throughout the United States have provided financial and practical support to abortion seekers for decades, and they need your help now more than ever. Find your local abortion fund and donate or volunteer.

The following funds support abortion seekers in states where abortion would be automatically banned if Roe is overturned due to trigger laws:

Arkansas Abortion Support Network (AR)

Access Reproductive Care Southeast (AL, FL, GA MS, SC, TN) Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee have trigger laws

Louisiana Abortion Fund (LA)

Missouri Abortion Fund (MO) Missouri only has one abortion clinic

Kentucky Health Justice Network (KY)

Northwest Abortion Access Fund (AK, ID, OR, WA) Idaho has a trigger law

Utah Abortion Fund (UT)

South Dakota Access for Every Woman (SD) South Dakota only has one abortion clinic

North Dakota Women in Need (ND) North Dakota only has one abortion clinic

Holler Health Justice (WV) West Virginia only has one abortion clinic

Abortion procedures become exponentially more expensive the further along in the pregnancy. The following funds support abortion seekers in states where later abortions are legal:

Baltimore Abortion Fund

Cobalt Abortion Fund

New Mexico Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice

DC Abortion Fund

Mariposa Fund

Indigenous Women Rising

Wait, there’s more!

Independent clinics provide nearly 2/3 of clinic abortions in the United States. Abortion Care Network is an organization that ensures independent clinics have the resources they need to stay open.

All-Options provides emotional support and pregnancy options counseling through their talkline, as well as financial support for abortion seekers and practical support such as diapers.


Did you find this helpful? OARS is a volunteer-driven organization dedicated to providing accurate information and facilitating access to abortion care. Donate to support our work.

*Blog posts are written by individual volunteers and do not necessarily represent the views of the organization as a whole.


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